
How to Connect a Foreign Agent Firm to Your Account

April 24, 2024

Note: In order for a foreign agent firm to be able to submit items for you, you must grant them access, or “connect” them to your account. This guides you through the steps to accomplish that.

📘 Instructions:

1.    Log into Honu

2.    Select the user icon in the top right

3.    Select “Manage Foreign Agent Firms”.

4.    Once on the Admin screen, click the "Connect Firm" button.

5.    Select the firm you wish to allow to report from the list, and what countries they should have access to.

⚠️ Note: If the firm you wish to allow is not on the list, raise a ticket to add that firm from here.

6.   Click the “Add Firm Access” Button.

7.    You are done 🎉! They will now show up under the list. You can then select the edit button to change their country access, or the remove button to remove the firm.