This video walks you through how to report an acknowledgment of instructions to file an application.
This video walks you through how to report a granted application through Honu.
This video walks you through how to report a received office action through Honu.
This video walks you through how to report a filed response to an office action through Honu.
This walks you through how to add additional users to your firm in Honu.
You can designate as many people as you want in your firm to be an admin. Admins are able to add...
This is a step-by-step guide on how to use our foreign correspondence report out tool, Honu.
This guide walks you through how to set up a new foreign firm in your Honu account for reporting purposes.
This article explores the benefits of utilizing Honu and includes additional information on what to report, what not to, and how the tool generally works.
A list of the most commonly asked questions about Honu and their corresponding answers
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